Class SimulatedExpertController

  extended by rdr.core.SimulatedExpertController

public class SimulatedExpertController
extends java.lang.Object

SimulatedExpertController A static class which is used to issue commands to one or more simulated experts. This class is responsible for making the experiments you set up in ExperimentBuilder happen.

Ivan Bindoff

Constructor Summary
SimulatedExpertController(java.lang.String experimentName, int numFolds, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<java.io.File> datasets, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<java.lang.Integer> numLabels, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<java.lang.Integer> numCases, double trainPercent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<java.lang.Double> specificities, boolean buildFlag)
Method Summary
 void startExperiment(boolean buildFlag)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimulatedExpertController(java.lang.String experimentName,
                                 int numFolds,
                                 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<java.io.File> datasets,
                                 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<java.lang.Integer> numLabels,
                                 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<java.lang.Integer> numCases,
                                 double trainPercent,
                                 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<java.lang.Double> specificities,
                                 boolean buildFlag)
Constructor. Sets up the SE controller.

numFolds - the number of folds to run
datasets - the set of arff file datasets to perform the experiment on
numLabels - the set which identifies how many labels each corresponding arff has
numCases - the set which identifies how many cases each corresponding arff has
trainPercent - the percentage of the cases to use for training, remainder for testing
specificities - the set of SE specificities to use
buildFlag - set to true if this simulated expert is only for the purpose of pre-building a kb, not for an experiment
Method Detail


public void startExperiment(boolean buildFlag)