Uses of Class

Packages that use Case

Uses of Case in rdr.core

Fields in rdr.core with type parameters of type Case
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> DomainModel.cases

Methods in rdr.core that return Case
 Case DomainModel.getCase(int i)
          Get a specific case from the domain model.
 Case Rule.getCreatedFor()

Methods in rdr.core that return types with arguments of type Case
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> DomainModel.getCases()
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> DomainModel.loadCaseBank()
          Load cases from file.
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> DomainModel.loadCaseBankArff( file)
          Load cases from Arff file.
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> DomainModel.loadCaseBankArff(weka.core.Instances data)
          Load cases from Arff dataset.

Methods in rdr.core with parameters of type Case
 void SimulatedExpert.buildException(Node parent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Condition> availableConditions, Case currentCase)
          Select a portion of the availableConditions to make an exception rule to parent which is satisfied by currentCase
 void SimulatedExpert.buildRule(Node parent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Condition> availableConditions, Case currentCase, Classification conc)
abstract  common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> Classifier.classify(Case c)
 void SimulatedExpert.compareOutcomes(Case currentCase, weka.core.Instance currentInstance, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> results, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<java.lang.String> predictedClasses, java.lang.String[] labelNames)
          Compares the rdrResults with the predicted outcomes from the machine learned knowledge base.
 boolean Case.compareToCase(Case compare)
          Method to compare this case with another case, and return if they have all the same values or not Warning: currently only checks if they have the same name
 boolean Case.equals(Case c)
abstract  boolean Classifier.insertNode(Case theCase, Node newNode, Node parentNode)
 boolean Condition.isBooleanAttributeSatisfied(Case c)
          Is the boolean attribute in case c satisfied by this condition
 boolean Condition.isNominalAttributeSatisfied(Case c)
          Is the nominal attribute in this condition satisfied by the case c TODO: method is untested.
 boolean Condition.isNumericAttributeSatisfied(Case c)
          is the numeric attribute in case c satisfied by this condition
 boolean Rule.isSatisfied(Case c)
          Check to see is this rule satisfied by the case c?
 boolean Condition.isSatisfied(Case c)
          Check to see if a case satisfies this condition
abstract  void Classifier.launchKAGUI(int mode, Case c)
abstract  void Classifier.launchKAGUI(int mode, Case c, int nodeEditing)
 void Rule.setCreatedFor(Case c)

Constructors in rdr.core with parameters of type Case
Rule(common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Condition> conditions, Case createdFor)
          Default constructor.

Uses of Case in rdr.methods

Fields in rdr.methods with type parameters of type Case
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> MCRDR.seenCases

Methods in rdr.methods that return Case
 Case BinaryTreeNode.getCornerstone()

Methods in rdr.methods that return types with arguments of type Case
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> NTreeNode.getCornerstones()
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> MCRDR.getCornerstones(Rule newRule, NTreeNode parent)
          Fetch the cornerstone cases that would apply to a newRule being added as a child of parent

Methods in rdr.methods with parameters of type Case
 boolean NTreeNode.childSatisfied(Case c)
          Determine if there is a child satisfied by case c
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> SCRDR.classify(Case c)
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> MCRDR.classify(Case c)
          The default classify method.
 void SCRDR.classify(Case c, BinaryTreeNode n)
          Classify a case using single classification RDR
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> MCRDR.classify(Case c, NTreeNode n)
          Perform an MCRDR inference to classify the case c
 void NTreeNode.insertCornerstone(Case c)
          Adds the case c to the list of cornerstones for this node only if it's not already in there.
 boolean SCRDR.insertNode(Case theCase, Node newNode, Node parentNode)
 boolean MCRDR.insertNode(Case theCase, Node newNode, Node parentNode)
 void SCRDR.launchKAGUI(int mode, Case c)
 void MCRDR.launchKAGUI(int mode, Case c)
          Launch the knowledge acquisition GUi which is designed for this classification method
 void SCRDR.launchKAGUI(int mode, Case c, int nodeEditing)
 void MCRDR.launchKAGUI(int mode, Case c, int nodeEditing)
 void BinaryTreeNode.setCornerstone(Case c)
          Set the cornerstone to the case c
 void MCRDR.updateSeenCases(Case c)
          Inserts the case c into the seen cases set only if it's not already in there.

Method parameters in rdr.methods with type arguments of type Case
 void NTreeNode.setCornerstones(common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> cornerstones)
          Sets the potential cornerstones

Constructors in rdr.methods with parameters of type Case
BinaryTreeNode(Rule rule, Classification classification, Case cornerstone)
          Construct a Binary Tree Node
MCRDRKnowledgeAcquisition(int mode, Case c)
MCRDRKnowledgeAcquisition(int mode, Case c, int nodeEditing)
SCRDRKnowledgeAcquisition(int mode, Case c, int nodeEditing)

Constructor parameters in rdr.methods with type arguments of type Case
NTreeNode(Rule rule, Classification classification, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<NTreeNode> children, NTreeNode parent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> cornerstones)
          Constructor Builds a node to the specifications provided
NTreeNode(Rule rule, Classification classification, NTreeNode parent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> cornerstones)
          Constructor Builds a node to the specifications provided.