Uses of Class

Packages that use Classification

Uses of Classification in rdr.core

Fields in rdr.core declared as Classification
 Classification Node.classification

Fields in rdr.core with type parameters of type Classification
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Classification> DomainModel.classifications

Methods in rdr.core that return Classification
 Classification Node.getClassification()

Methods in rdr.core that return types with arguments of type Classification
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Classification> DomainModel.getClassifications()
          Get the set of classifications that have been used in this domain model (so far)

Methods in rdr.core with parameters of type Classification
 void DomainModel.addClassification(Classification c)
          Add a classification to this domain model (if it isn't already there)
 void SimulatedExpert.buildRule(Node parent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Condition> availableConditions, Case currentCase, Classification conc)
 int Classification.compareTo(Classification o)
          Compares using the string
 boolean Classification.equals(Classification c)
          Check to see if a classification c is the same as this classification.
 void Node.setClassification(Classification c)
          Set the node's classification

Constructor parameters in rdr.core with type arguments of type Classification
DomainModel(java.lang.String modelName, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Attribute> attrs, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Classification> classifications)

Uses of Classification in rdr.methods

Constructors in rdr.methods with parameters of type Classification
BinaryTreeNode(Rule rule, Classification classification, Case cornerstone)
          Construct a Binary Tree Node
NTreeNode(Rule rule, Classification classification, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<NTreeNode> children, NTreeNode parent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> cornerstones)
          Constructor Builds a node to the specifications provided
NTreeNode(Rule rule, Classification classification, NTreeNode parent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> cornerstones)
          Constructor Builds a node to the specifications provided.