Uses of Class

Packages that use Node

Uses of Node in rdr.core

Fields in rdr.core with type parameters of type Node
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> Classifier.nodeIndex

Methods in rdr.core that return types with arguments of type Node
abstract  common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> Classifier.classify(Case c)
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> Classifier.getNodeIndex()
          Get the nodeIndex

Methods in rdr.core with parameters of type Node
 void SimulatedExpert.buildException(Node parent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Condition> availableConditions, Case currentCase)
          Select a portion of the availableConditions to make an exception rule to parent which is satisfied by currentCase
 void SimulatedExpert.buildRule(Node parent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Condition> availableConditions, Case currentCase, Classification conc)
abstract  boolean Classifier.insertNode(Case theCase, Node newNode, Node parentNode)

Method parameters in rdr.core with type arguments of type Node
 void SimulatedExpert.compareOutcomes(Case currentCase, weka.core.Instance currentInstance, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> results, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<java.lang.String> predictedClasses, java.lang.String[] labelNames)
          Compares the rdrResults with the predicted outcomes from the machine learned knowledge base.

Uses of Node in rdr.methods

Subclasses of Node in rdr.methods
 class BinaryTreeNode
          A binary tree node object.
 class NTreeNode
          A node object for an n-tree.

Methods in rdr.methods that return types with arguments of type Node
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> SCRDR.classify(Case c)
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> MCRDR.classify(Case c)
          The default classify method.
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Node> MCRDR.classify(Case c, NTreeNode n)
          Perform an MCRDR inference to classify the case c

Methods in rdr.methods with parameters of type Node
 boolean SCRDR.insertNode(Case theCase, Node newNode, Node parentNode)
 boolean MCRDR.insertNode(Case theCase, Node newNode, Node parentNode)