Uses of Class

Packages that use Rule

Uses of Rule in rdr.core

Fields in rdr.core declared as Rule
 Rule Node.rule

Methods in rdr.core that return Rule
 Rule SimulatedExpert.buildRule(common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Condition> conditions)
          Attempt to use some of the conditions to create a rule.
 Rule Node.getRule()

Methods in rdr.core with parameters of type Rule
 void Node.setRule(Rule r)
          Set the node's rule

Uses of Rule in rdr.methods

Methods in rdr.methods with parameters of type Rule
 common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> MCRDR.getCornerstones(Rule newRule, NTreeNode parent)
          Fetch the cornerstone cases that would apply to a newRule being added as a child of parent

Constructors in rdr.methods with parameters of type Rule
BinaryTreeNode(Rule rule, Classification classification, Case cornerstone)
          Construct a Binary Tree Node
NTreeNode(Rule rule, Classification classification, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<NTreeNode> children, NTreeNode parent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> cornerstones)
          Constructor Builds a node to the specifications provided
NTreeNode(Rule rule, Classification classification, NTreeNode parent, common.datastructures.MyFastVector<Case> cornerstones)
          Constructor Builds a node to the specifications provided.